Thursday 20 June 2013

Quarter Panel Reairs. . .

 Dylan has just cut in a new rust repair section and is certainly the easiest way to do a major rust repair to one of the rusty 'hotspots' on most cars.
This is, or was, the old cut out for the trailer plug that is always a messy result when DIY tradesmen get out the holesaw and cut a bloody great hole on the beaver panel of their pride and joy. . .

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Underbelly Tidings. . .

Not many exciting pics to show at the moment but the wagon is at that stage where all the underbelly tack/piece welds now have to be completed so that the underside of the car can be signed off by the engineer. This has been a full re-floor and substantial suspension and transmission upgrades so there a ship-load of welding to be done to finalise things. Any exciting pics and I'm sure to keep you posted. Yesterday Dave spent most of the day removing the exhaust system so that it could be fully welded and the ground down with the flapper discs so that it was a nice even mirror finish and then off to the platers so that heat exchange is kept to a minimum inside the transmission tunnel. . .

Monday 17 June 2013

Quarter Panels. . .

All EH's rust, especially in the quarter panels. Dylan has fixed this side and ordered a half panel cut-out for the other side. . .

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Thirsty? I need a drink. . .

 This being the hinge for the tail-light assembly so that it can swing out of the way for access to the hidden fuel cap. Basically the same sort of assembly as the old Chevs around the '55-57 era.
Andrew has made up a small mount to secure to the tail-light assembly that fixes to the wagon and will be released as per usual from the driver's seat. Nothing new but very tidy and discreet. . .

Friday 7 June 2013

Unbelievable. . .

This is why you do a thorough search and engage the best fabricator that you can find. The rear beaver-tail on the wagon was absolutely cactus with rust and nearly made the rear of the wagon a throw away, but Hodgey just cut out the offending bits and fabricated a new insert. She's now ready for another 60yrs. Unbelievable craftsmanship, thanks mate. . .

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Roof line. . .

 Dylan's certainly been seen swinging that hammer and cutting out wierd little shapes with the tin-snips to fill in all the rust holes that keep popping up. These doglegs had to be repaired anyway after Dave had to cut entry wounds into the metalwork to install the seat belt mounts. . .
Up into the roof channels and more good work from Dylan. These are really hard areas to carry out repairs and can't be got at from the inside. . .

Monday 3 June 2013

Rust repairs. . .

 As is usual when buying a 'golden oldie' that has been running around the traps for approx 60years
it's gotta be a case of buyer beware or Carpe Diem to others. Extensive rust repairs can be seriously expensive so all prospective purchases should be carefully checked so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. . .
Dylan has been working carefully through all the rusty spots and is turning in stellar results as can be seen in these two before and after pics. . . good onya D.